Friday, May 15, 2020

A Research On Common Commercial Products - 1331 Words

Today many common commercial products contain some sort of engineered nanoparticles. â€Å"Examples include cosmetics, sunscreens, clothes, solar cells, sporting good[s], paints, and electronics† (Kosal 8). Although major developments have only occurred in the last decade, the US military began conducting nanotechnology research in the early 1980s. It was not until the mid-1990s, after the Department of Defense (DoD) identified nanotechnology as one of the six ‘Strategic Research Areas’ of Interest, that major investments in the research and development in nanotechnology began. Nanotechnology research seeks to advance both offensive and defensive military objectives (Lele 234). In January of 2000, President Bill Clinton â€Å"unveiled the National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) where he called for an initiative with funding levels around 500 million dollars† (Tate 23). â€Å"All branches of the U.S. military currently conduct nanotechnology research , including the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), Office of Naval Research (ONR), Army Research Office (ARO), and Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR)† (Tate 20). By the conclusion of this paper, the reader will have a basic understanding of nanotechnology and its applicability in military affairs. Additionally, the reader will understand the hazards of nanotechnology in order to determine if the military should continue to focus on nanotechnology. â€Å"Nanotechnology broadly encompasses the design, creation,Show MoreRelatedWhat ´s Vertical Integration712 Words   |  3 Pages When searching for research to analyze and write about, I leaned more towards marketing and sales, which I want to ultimately work in. When I came across this article â€Å"Moving close to the customers: effects of vertical integration in the Swedish commercial printing industry†, I was interested in what vertical integration was and what it meant. I also was caught by the fact this was published using Swedish commercial printing. 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