Thursday, August 27, 2020

Vertical Integration for American Economic Review- myassignmenthelp

Question: Talk about theVertical Integration for American Economic Review. Answer: Presentation: Vertical combination is a deliberately inferred process, which is generally embraced by a business associations or organizations for extending their tasks. This normally infers the organization or association includes attempts to possess the different procedure itself without depending on the merchants for the activity. This report examines about the vertical incorporation forms in the Indian chief group (IPL). The sort of vertical reconciliation utilized in IPL is likewise examined in the report. Conversation: The instances of a vertical reconciliation procedure are the point at which an assembling organization or business association needs to secure their providers and merchants and wan to extend the business. This lessens the time required to transport the items to the outer merchants and an opportunity to dispatch the crude materials from providers. This additionally decreases the expense for activity in the organization in question. Upward vertical reconciliation: The upward vertical reconciliation is finished by an organization who needs to purchase their providers (Lee 2013). This decreases the time required for contracting and time for transportation of the crude materials. On account of IPL, the franchisers are the providers here. The businesspersons are liable for purchasing their expected group through an offering procedure. The procedure included assigning an uncommon aggregate for purchasing the players for a group. In its day of starting, Mumbai was the most elevated netted franchisee claimed. Descending Vertical incorporation: This kind of incorporation is applied when the organization included needs to purchase the merchants or their item providers to limit the cost associated with contracting with them and the time required for transportation (Chang and Iseppi 2012). In the event of IPL, the merchant is the supporter who should sell media rights. On the times of opening, IPL showcased with Sony Entertainment TV for promoting which made an arrangement of 15million$. This helped the IPL to develop and get the fans everywhere throughout the nation. End: Therefore, the report infers that the vertical reconciliation process done in IPL assisted with getting the necessary advancement just as the expected brand esteem that it speaks to in the cutting edge days. Referencing: Chang, T.F.M. furthermore, Iseppi, L., 2012. EU agro-evolved way of life and vertical mix probability: a technique for diversification?.Transition Studies Review,19(1), pp.107-130. Lee, R.S., 2013. Vertical reconciliation and selectiveness in stage and two-sided markets.The American Economic Review,103(7), pp.2960-3000.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Anxiety and Depression Among Working and Non-Working Women

Uneasiness and Depression Among Working and Non-Working Women Conversation Results in the past section had been enlightening and will be examined in setting to speculation talked about in part 4. The current examination was completed to survey the degree of nervousness and sadness among working and non working ladies. An example of 60 ladies was taken comprising of 30 working and 30 non-working ladies from Delhi and NCR locale. The free factors utilized for the investigation were working and non working ladies and the needy factors examined were tension and wretchedness. The outcomes acquired in part 4 were broke down and the conversation identified with the theory is introduced underneath. What's more, the tension and discouragement was looked at in the accompanying gatherings. Levels of tension and sadness were analyzed among working and non working ladies in uneasiness and wretchedness. Levels of tension and sadness were analyzed among working and non working ladies based on atomic and joint family. Levels of tension and sadness were analyzed among working and non working ladies having a place with the age bunch 25-35 and 36-50. Connection among's tension and discouragement was additionally determined and deciphered. Keeping in see the targets, four speculations were planned and their conversation and understanding is as per the following. Issue 1: There will be critical contrast between uneasiness levels of working and non working ladies A correlation was made between the working and non working ladies based on their tension levels. As it very well may be seen from the examination of table 4.2(chapter 4), the tension degrees of working ladies is higher than the non working ladies. The mean an incentive for the working ladies was 25.00 while for non working ladies the worth was 20.23. From a similar table it was surmised that there was no measurably critical contrast in the nervousness levels of working and non working ladies. Numerous examinations have been done applicable to this exploration. An exploration done by Aleem and Danish (2008) on Marital fulfillment and Anxiety among single and double vocation ladies at Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi summed up that weight and bothers of occupations influence conjugal life as well as end up being a significant wellspring of nervousness especially among ladies and furthermore conjugal fulfillment among working ladies barely get upset because of their different jobs however the perspectives appeared to be upset that is showed in the higher tension among ladies. This examination underpins the discoveries which show higher mean qualities in working ladies than non working ladies. Mukhopadhyay et al (1993) investigated on Working status and tension degrees of urban instructed ladies in Calcutta and summed up that non working moms demonstrated higher nervousness levels than their working partners as for the all out uneasiness score just as segments, despite the fac t that the distinctions were factually non-noteworthy. This investigation bolsters the measurably immaterial distinction in the aftereffects of the current research. Issue 2: There will be noteworthy contrasts between the degrees of sadness in working and non working ladies. A correlation was made between the working and non working ladies based on their degrees of despondency. As it very well may be seen from the investigation of table 4.2(chapter 4), the downturn levels of working ladies are higher than that of non working ladies. The mean estimation of misery levels of working ladies is 11.13 while the mean estimation of the non working ladies which is 6.1000 indicating contrast in the downturn levels of the two gatherings. From the table it is surmised that there is measurably noteworthy contrast between the two gatherings (sig 2 tailed=0.034). Numerous specialists have worked in this field, one such research done by Weiclaw et al(2008) Psychosocial working conditions and the danger of despondency and tension issue in the Danish workforce show high dangers of misery identified with high enthusiastic requests and working with individuals. Aftereffects of another examination done by Netterstom et al (2008) The Relation between Work-related Psychosocial Factors and the Development of Depression demonstrated moderate proof for a connection between advancement of melancholy and the mental requests of the activity. One more research done by Melchior et al (2007) contemplated despondency and tension in youthful, working ladies and men because of work pressure. The outcomes indicated that members presented to high mental occupation requests (exorbitant remaining burden, outrageous time pressures) had a twofold danger of significant discouragement or summed up nervousness issue contrasted with those with low employment requests. The examination expressed that in already solid youthful laborers, diagnosable misery and tension is accelerated by work pressure. Another exploration pertinent to the current research was finished by Balaji et al (2014). A Comparative Study on Depression among Working and Non-Working Women in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. This investigation was done to survey the weight of despondency its hazard factors among grown-up female working and non working populace. The outcomes demonstrated that working ladies experience the ill effects of sadness than non-working ladies. The hazard factors for wretchedness were recognized as financial issues work environment issues, relationship issues and no close to home life fulfillment. The above examinations bolster the outcomes in the current research. The purposes behind more elevated levels of discouragement among working ladies could be because of the explanation that working ladies need to concentrate on their work circle as well as on their family life. It has likewise been seen that working ladies are not satisfactory about their desires which influence their day by day standard as well as wellbeing status of every single lady particularly in the creating countries like India stays problematic. Likewise since working ladies can't invest energy with their family and not ready to offer time to their kids because of their work it prompts wretchedness in them. Furthermore, working ladies likewise need more time to care for themselves prompting a great deal of medical problems. These reasons are likewise upheld by an exploration done by Greenhaus Beutell (2000) Sources of Conflict among Work and Family Roles. This investigation analyzed the writing on the contention among work and family jobs and discovered that work-family struggle exists when: (a) period gave to the prerequisites of one job makes it hard to satisfy necessities of another; (b) strain from cooperation in one job makes it hard to satisfy prerequisites of another; and (c) explicit practices required by one job make it hard to satisfy the prerequisites of another. While non working ladies have more opportunity to go through with their family, they can focus on their wellbeing, family life and possess a great deal of energy for themselves. These may be a portion of the reasons why working ladies rate more elevated levels of gloom than non working ladies. Issue 3: There will be more elevated levels of nervousness and sadness in females having a place with family units than those remaining in joint families. An examination was done based on nervousness and discouragement levels among working ladies of atomic and joint families. As can be construed from table 4.4(chapter 4) the tension degrees of working ladies from family units is higher than those from joint families. The mean scores of working ladies from family units is 39.1667 which is higher than working ladies from joint families which is 15.5556. There is a measurably noteworthy distinction between the two gatherings as can be seen from the estimation of sig. (2 followed) =.000 It was likewise induced from a similar table that the downturn levels of working ladies having a place with family units was higher than those working ladies having a place with joint families. The mean scores of working ladies from family units is 18.33 which is higher than those of joint families which is 6.33.There is additionally a measurably huge contrast between the two gatherings as observed from the estimation of sig. (2 followed) = .003 At that point another examination was done based on uneasiness and sorrow levels among non working ladies of atomic and joint families. As can be deduced from table 4.5(chapter4) the nervousness levels of non working ladies from family units was higher than that of non working having a place with joint families. The mean scores of non working ladies of family units have a mean score of 28.5358 which is higher than the mean score of non working ladies of joint families which is 13.8824. There is likewise a factually huge contrast between the two gatherings as observed by the estimation of sig. (2 followed) = .002. It was additionally derived from a similar table that the downturn levels of non working ladies having a place with family units was higher the non working ladies having a place with joint families. The mean scores of non working ladies of atomic have a mean score of 8.2308 which is higher than that of non working ladies of joint families which is 4.4706. There is likewise a factually critical distinction between the two gatherings as observed by the estimation of sig. (2 followed) = .047. So from tables 4.4 and 4.5 (part 4) it is deduced that ladies having a place with family units report more elevated levels of both uneasiness and gloom than those having a place with joint families be it working ladies or non working. Numerous examinations have been done on this and one such research was finished by Doby Caplan (1995). Hierarchical Stress as Threat to Reputation: Effects on Anxiety at Work and at Home. The consequences of this investigation demonstrated that high danger stressors were well on the way to produce the uneasiness experienced at home and for this the nervousness experienced at work was the key go between. As the above investigation underpins our finding in the current research a portion of the purposes behind this finding could be as in a joint family the greater part of the obligations are dealt with by the other relatives. There isn’t a great deal of weight alone on one lady of the family. The relatives of a joint

Friday, August 21, 2020

How to Write a Good Persuasive Essay - Powerful Ways to Present Your Points

How to Write a Good Persuasive Essay - Powerful Ways to Present Your PointsIf you're interested in learning how to write a good persuasive essay, you've come to the right place. You're not alone, many college students struggle with this particular course, but don't let that stop you from trying to write an excellent argument in your own words. Even if you have never done it before, you can easily learn how to write a good persuasive essay. You just need to know what to write about and how to frame your ideas so they make sense to your reader.There are several different styles of writing and getting your point across. For example, you can go in-depth or you can get right to the point. Either way is fine as long as you know how to present yourself and your points effectively.If you've ever taken a course in high school, chances are you got in some sort of theory class. Since writing essays doesn't work in this situation, you can look for a good guide that teaches you how to write a goo d essay that doesn't break the law. Fortunately, there are many of these available on the Internet, including books and eBooks that do just that. You'll be well-prepared to write an argumentative essay from the get-go, knowing what to write about and how to make the best case possible.Of course, if you've never written an essay before, you might be intimidated at first. With that said, remember that the more prepared you are, the easier the task will be. In addition, if you're comfortable writing a persuasive essay, you'll have a much better chance of writing one that interests your reader.You'll find that the most effective way to learn how to write a persuasive essay is to enroll in an online course. Writing an essay is an art form that's not simply a matter of compiling information. You'll learn how to write a persuasive essay, but you'll also learn how to use your knowledge to get your point across.You'll be able to create a persuasive essay based on all of the information that you gather. The more you know, the more you'll be able to use that knowledge to present yourself and your argument so that your reader can see why you think the way you do. And if you use information in your persuasive essay that they don't know, you'll be surprised at how well it works. If you can present your ideas in an interesting way, they'll want to learn more.You'll be able to learn how to write a persuasive essay based on your own knowledge. Maybe you're a writer who wants to get out a good argument on a certain topic. Or maybe you're a computer whiz who wants to show that you know how to create a program that can do something that no one else can. Either way, you can learn how to get your point across.Finally, you can learn how to write a persuasive essay based on your knowledge of the person you're writing for. This is especially important when you're writing to someone who has a different level of education. Because they don't know much about this topic, they won't unders tand your arguments or what you're trying to do. So, if you're writing to someone who does know something about the subject, don't be afraid to delve a little bit deeper into the subject, knowing that the more you write, the more you'll learn.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Royal Ideology in Ancient Israel Essay - 1054 Words

The ongoing threat of invasion from the Philistines to some extent brought about the conditions for a monarchy within Israel. A line of charismatic Judges protected Israel before the adoption of the kingship. Thus it is evident that the change from a patriarchal, loosely-knit tribal rule to a centralised government with a monarch required much self understanding, a strong stance against anti-monarchical views and tolerance of royal ideology, which had in part to be appropriated from neighbouring monarchies. Saul bridged that chasm well as he was chosen by Yahweh primarily as a defender of his nation against continual threat from invasion. Nevertheless the introduction of the monarchy did not occur without criticism despite the subtle†¦show more content†¦Equally disseminating propaganda of the wisdom (1 Kings 4:29~) and hence justness of the king was done through symbols and building projects and to a lesser degree in literature. The centralisation of the government from Hebron to Jerusalem helped to cement the legitimacy of the kingship and guarantee order, security, prosperity, fertility etc... Central location, division into tax regions and territorial expansion were all seen as pluses of the new monarchic style. Some rulers, less capable in military manoeuvres, justified vast building projects to boast Israels growing power and prosperity. Perhaps the establishment of an Official State Religion was the most crucial reinforcement and legitimisation of the monarchy. David made a clever move in bringing a High Priest from Judah and also one from Israel. Establishing Jerusalem as not just the House of David but also Zion, the House of God (in the Arch of the Covenant), defined the characteristics of a monarchic state-the professional priesthood and temples walking hand in hand with the professional armies and palaces. The fact that the monarch in Jerusalem was portrayed as Axis Mundi, the bridge between the sacred and the profane, may have added to the criticism from the prophets who deemed they were the pontifus maximus between this world and the next. Many of the Davidic kings were also priests, and this ideology could beShow MoreRelatedRoyal Ideology in Ancient Israel2052 Words   |  9 PagesRoyal Ideology in Ancient Israel One of the main themes present in the rise of monarchy in Ancient Israel has to be the concept of royal ideology. Royal Ideology is the practice of believing that the king is considered to be at the same level of power as Yahweh, and vice versa. Throughout our studies of Ancient Israel there are many pieces of evidence to support this idea, and it had a great influence on the monarchal structure that developed throughout the time. Dealing with this subject matterRead MoreRedemption And Utopia1367 Words   |  6 Pagesand fragmented ideas. 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Friday, May 15, 2020

A Research On Common Commercial Products - 1331 Words

Today many common commercial products contain some sort of engineered nanoparticles. â€Å"Examples include cosmetics, sunscreens, clothes, solar cells, sporting good[s], paints, and electronics† (Kosal 8). Although major developments have only occurred in the last decade, the US military began conducting nanotechnology research in the early 1980s. It was not until the mid-1990s, after the Department of Defense (DoD) identified nanotechnology as one of the six ‘Strategic Research Areas’ of Interest, that major investments in the research and development in nanotechnology began. Nanotechnology research seeks to advance both offensive and defensive military objectives (Lele 234). In January of 2000, President Bill Clinton â€Å"unveiled the National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) where he called for an initiative with funding levels around 500 million dollars† (Tate 23). â€Å"All branches of the U.S. military currently conduct nanotechnology research , including the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), Office of Naval Research (ONR), Army Research Office (ARO), and Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR)† (Tate 20). By the conclusion of this paper, the reader will have a basic understanding of nanotechnology and its applicability in military affairs. Additionally, the reader will understand the hazards of nanotechnology in order to determine if the military should continue to focus on nanotechnology. â€Å"Nanotechnology broadly encompasses the design, creation,Show MoreRelatedWhat ´s Vertical Integration712 Words   |  3 Pages When searching for research to analyze and write about, I leaned more towards marketing and sales, which I want to ultimately work in. When I came across this article â€Å"Moving close to the customers: effects of vertical integration in the Swedish commercial printing industry†, I was interested in what vertical integration was and what it meant. I also was caught by the fact this was published using Swedish commercial printing. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Designing An E Commerce Website For A New Start Up

Introduction and Background: The project proposal is to design and develop an e-commerce website for a new start up company. Through this e-commerce portal the company wants to sell different category of products like electronics, clothing, foot wear, home furnishing etc. The new start up company is already having a store at Mumbai, India. But, the business owner want reach more customer. So the business owner understands the competitive market and he wants to apply new business trends to stay competitive in today s modern world. As per the scenario in future it seems like the business owner might close his physical store and do the business only through online. Problem Statement: 1. Physical shop rent is increasing year on†¦show more content†¦Dealing with a database of clients and a database of items for the shop proprietors through an advantageously composed Graphical User Interface which will use an easy to use natural configuration approach. Online shopping center will be an electronic quick track shopping application outlined in the structure of an e-trade site which is very attractive, interesting and easy to buy and sell products. The framework will be intended to be utilized by shop clients with practically zero involvement in utilizing electronic frameworks and shop proprietors will be prepared to utilize those products as well. To help clients, documentation will be given as a client manuals which will contain an itemized portrayal of all framework capacities. Statement of Scope: Online Shopping center will be an e-commerce website and will also be an e-business programming framework which will be intended to robotize a shop deals. The primary capacity of the product will be to help both clients and the store proprietors through increase in large number of / variety of different kind of products. The framework will be hence intended to permit a client to perform the accompanying capacities: †¢ sign on either as a client or a store proprietor †¢ peruse through the database of accessible items †¢ register †¢

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

An American Tail Movie project Essay Example For Students

An American Tail Movie project Essay An American Tail (1986) Director: Don Bluth Performers: Fievel Mousekewitz (Voice of Philip Glasser) Papa Mousekewitz (Voice of Nehemia Persoff) Mama Mouskewitz (Voice of Erica Yohn) Tanya Mousekewitz (Voice of Amy Green) Bridget (Voice of Cathianne Blore) Digit (Voice of Will Ryan) Gussie Mouseheimer (Voice of Madeline Kahn) Henri the Pigeon (Voice of Christopher Plummer) Honest John (Voice of Neil Ross) Irish mouse on boat (Voice of Warren Hayes) Italian mouse on boat (Voice of John Guarnieri) Moe (Voice of Hal Smith) Tiger (Voice of Dom DeLuise) Tony Toponi (Voice of Pat Musick) Warren T. Rat (Voice of John Finnegan) Summary Fievel Mousekewitz and his family (who are mice), who are from Russia run away from their homeland in the late 1800s, and board a boat headed for America to escape the Czarist rule of the Russian cats. Fievel, however, is separated from his family upon his arrival in New York Harbor. While hes searching for his family throughout NYC, he discovers that there are cats in America too (his father said there werent). Fievel meets a variety of friendly and hostile mice, and learns the ins and outs of NYC and how to survive as an immigrant. Eventually he makes friends with a cat named Tiger and together, along with others, Fievel finds his family and lives happily ever after. This is an immigration movie geared towards kids to show and teach them about immigration to America. It shows them the reasons they (the Mousekewitz) left their homeland Russia to come to America. In their case it was to escape the Czarist rule of the cats, parallel to most immigrants who escaped their land due to religious and political persecution. Once aboard the ship to America, it showed the long and unpleasant trip to New York Harbor, where in this movie, Fievel gets separated from his family to inclimate weather. Once they arrive in New York Harbor, it shows children the happiness immigrants got when they saw the statue of liberty and the process through Ellis Island to become a citizen of America. The rest of the movie takes place in America where it shows political machines, such as Warren T. Rat, who really is a cat but takes advantage of new immigrants by dressing as a mouse and receiving the mices trust. With trust came their money and broken promises, just as political machines really did back then. The movie shows the immigrants hardships and poor living conditions in America with tenement housing and unsanitary conditions. This is a typical coming to America immigration movie, showing with good detail the entire immigration experience to and within America, both good and bad. Within this movie the Mousekewitz function as two types of immigrants: The Dream Seeker: Papa Mousekewitz repeatedly talks about how great America is; that there are no cats in America and the streets are paved with cheese! (I know that you are singing right now Professor Hymes). They are the typical immigrants who believe that America is great and that there is no wrong there. They seek the American dream of having religious freedom and to seek great jobs to make more money. They believe in the American way of life and want to become it. The Societal Victim:Within the movie, Fievel become a victim of Warren T. Rat while in search of his family. He gets taken advantage of due to his trusting outlook, not knowing that he shouldnt trust everybody. In the end, due to his trust in others, Fievel is able to solve the problem in America (in his area mostly) by getting rid of the cats. Though he was a victim he was able to solve an American problem. .u2b6b03c4b0f35bab4ea2c21c2e71f3b1 , .u2b6b03c4b0f35bab4ea2c21c2e71f3b1 .postImageUrl , .u2b6b03c4b0f35bab4ea2c21c2e71f3b1 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u2b6b03c4b0f35bab4ea2c21c2e71f3b1 , .u2b6b03c4b0f35bab4ea2c21c2e71f3b1:hover , .u2b6b03c4b0f35bab4ea2c21c2e71f3b1:visited , .u2b6b03c4b0f35bab4ea2c21c2e71f3b1:active { border:0!important; } .u2b6b03c4b0f35bab4ea2c21c2e71f3b1 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u2b6b03c4b0f35bab4ea2c21c2e71f3b1 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u2b6b03c4b0f35bab4ea2c21c2e71f3b1:active , .u2b6b03c4b0f35bab4ea2c21c2e71f3b1:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u2b6b03c4b0f35bab4ea2c21c2e71f3b1 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u2b6b03c4b0f35bab4ea2c21c2e71f3b1 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u2b6b03c4b0f35bab4ea2c21c2e71f3b1 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u2b6b03c4b0f35bab4ea2c21c2e71f3b1 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u2b6b03c4b0f35bab4ea2c21c2e71f3b1:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u2b6b03c4b0f35bab4ea2c21c2e71f3b1 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u2b6b03c4b0f35bab4ea2c21c2e71f3b1 .u2b6b03c4b0f35bab4ea2c21c2e71f3b1-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u2b6b03c4b0f35bab4ea2c21c2e71f3b1:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Ishmael EssayThis is a great movie to describe immigration. It uses a childish standard of furry animal characters to tell an underlying mature story of immigration. At this level, anybody can understand what immigration was about. It is able to show every aspect that an immigrant went through to get to America and also why they came here to America. Once their arrival, it showed the Ellis Island experience along with the hardships and problems America faced. Within the movie was a little story of Fievel getting separated from his family, but .